Early Organizing For A Stress Free Thanksgiving


Make a Plan

Get out a notebook, your calendar, and a pen and brainstorm Thanksgiving. Start thinking about a menu, figure out when you need to go shopping, and contemplate what prep can be done on what days.

Enlist Guests to Help By Bringing Something

Everyone loves to taste new items. This will give a variety and more food to go around.
Another option is to delegate an entire course to a guest, like appetizers, drinks, or dessert.

Make Your Menu

Now that you know what the guests are bringing, you can begin planning your own shopping, prep, and cooking.

Stick With What You Know

If you're hosting Thanksgiving, you know your guests expect to see, like turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pie. If you want a little variety here are a few sides that might be a hit.

    Brussels Sprouts Gratin
    Loaded Mashed Potatoes
    Roasted Cauliflower Salad With Pomegranate
    Cranberry  Dip

Make a Grocery List

Organize your shopping list the way the store is laid out: produce, meat, dairy, canned goods, grains, baking, and snacks.

Get Your Serving Dishes Ready

Pull out all of the necessary serving dishes and utensils, too, and make sure they are ready to go.

Schedule Food Prep

Tasks like chopping vegetables and baking pies can be done a day or two ahead of time. Whatever you can do ahead without sacrificing quality, do it. It'll save you time, effort, and stress on meal day.

Tableware Inventory

Inventory place settings, linens, the room around the table, and chairs. Do you have enough for the number of guests you're expecting? Double-check your serving dishes too.

Beverage Station

Are you going to set up a separate area for soda, water, and wine? Since you'll be busy on Thanksgiving day, it might make sense to let your guests help themselves. It makes sense to set up a beverage station.

Plan Decorations

There's no need to go overboard. Plan your table decor, flowers, candles, and mini gourds.

Make a Thanksgiving Day Timeline

Include, at a minimum, the following elements: breakfast, appetizers, sit-down dinner, and dessert.

Chances are it will not as perfect as you have planned. With a few early organization tips, you will feel more at ease and in control.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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