Fall Garden Tips from Neliville's Garden for Curb Appeal and Fun!
Fall season ahead, hopefully cooler weather is on its way and we will be able enjoy the great outdoors, work in the garden for the soul as well to improve our home’s curb appeal!
Even our well known HummerBird Festival in September is cancelled (virtual presentations available at https://www.rockport-fulton.org/HB )which celebrates our hummingbirds migration through our region, thousands of them, I won't be doing our 'Monarch butterfly presentation' this year, but we still excited as our public gardens and my own are full with our little birds!
If you know me, I LOVE spending some time sprucing up the garden for autumn and getting it ready for the winter 'resting' time!
My basic Fall tips for any gardening expert level are:
1- Pull up weeds, dig out your extra plants (share share) and mulch mulch mulch!
2- Re-ajust the watering if it's in any automatic system and repair any leaks.
3- Prep for the first freeze ahead, making sure your garden covers and protected areas to move pots and plants if needed, autodoors faulcet covers ready and clean up the shed.
4- For fun and curb appeal, think outside the box, adding some hardscape, water features, and fall-winter collor pots into your front yard!
5- Fall is a great time to plan perennials and trees... so that plant's roots have the winter to do their thing and come up strong and blooming in the Spring and have all the pollinators and migratory birds happy!.... If you do vegetable gardening, choose 'cool' varieties now to harvest in the Winter.
Talking plants....Here some of my favorite things ( native and well adapted) to plant this fall, so I have it beautiful next spring for pollinators & birds as well as nice blooming curb appeal (some of these works for many regions of Texas):
Ground covers and shrubs:
Mist flowers (padre island, crucita, Greg's mist, etc)
Milkweed ( tropical and any native for your area)
Gayfeather (liathris)
Bee balm
Texas Lantana (red-orange)
Red Yucca
Pipevine groundcover
Flame acanthus
Salvias and sage (many varieties)
Turk's cap
Coral been
American beauty berry
Texas Star Hibiscus
Small trees:
Wax myrtle
Kidney wood
Medium to largeTrees:
Oak trees (live oak first choice for me)
Red mulberry
Passionflower vine
Coral honeysuckle
Happy Fall to y'all and don't forget to call me if you need any garden tips or thinking about to sell or buy your next garden (home)!!!!